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Helping the Single Mother
& Child.

Empowering Children and Single Mothers: Promoting Health, Education and Well-being.

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Giving To the Poor, Help
for Struggling Families.

Many homes are suffering from lack of basic needs

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Puting a Smile On the
Faces of the Poor

By making necessary provisions to reach out to the needy who are single mothers, widows and orphans <br

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An initiative centered on making a difference by lending a helping hand to the needy

Reaching out to poor communities that lack good education, food, shelter and clothing.

Reaching out to the single mothers and orphans in the society. helping them ease the pain of survival

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We Can Save More Lives With Your Helping Hand.

Many deaths due to depression and sufferings can be averted by lending a helping hands. The pressure in society is way too cumbersome for many single mothers and orphans to live by. This is why we are here...

  • Reaching Out to single mothers

    Single mothers now have a helping hand. Don't be depressed

  • Making homse for the orphans

    No child is destined to suffer the hardship of poverty, underdevelopment and war...

Our Projects

Our Outreach Programmes
Best Projects.

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

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Our Best Projects

Event of Shares

Watch Our Live Interviews And Vists To Poor Communities

We do well to document our journeys and how we are able to accomplish projects and reach out to people in need.



Meet Our Volunteer Team.

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Stan Ibeneme


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Nkanda Gaƫlle flore

Board member : Director

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Jane Nwabueze

Team Lead - Director

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Ibeh Chigoziem

IT Consultant

David Hardson

Team Leader


Latest News & Update.

23 May 2023

How Small Acts of Kindness Can Change the World

Introduction In a world often characterized by its complexities and challenges, it's easy to become…

23 May 2023

Fighting Hunger, One Meal at a Time

Introduction Hunger is a global crisis that plagues millions of people, irrespective of their geographical…

23 May 2023

How Our Housing Projects Transform Lives

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea…

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